Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Blues Cure Inspiration

Weather's getting cooler... jackets and scarves are coming out from hiding... I see more clouds in the sky. Could it really be fall? I have waited so long.

Check out this place for more fall fashion ideas. It's another site like I love how the people featured are not all professional designers.

Here is a monday blues cure inspirational image:

I chose this image because my old roommates and I have totally done this before. One night we went to see Diva's in Denial (a drag show) and were given stick on mustaches which we wore all the way home and then had a party, not taking them off of course. My favorite one was on my tree-talking friend, MM, because it was gray and her hair and eyebrows are pitch black. These boys are so cute!! Image from imgfave, no other source.

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