Friday, October 16, 2009


This sketch is my first completed one in my Moleskine (given as a gift by Anastasiya). There are multiple themes that run through this sketch, and I think they can be summed up with 5 words:
time, distance, love, freedom, movement
The drawing is completely different from my first ideas for it, as the original inspiration was the view of the La Jolla coastline. I had the coastline sketched for a while, until I finally decided that I didn't like it and took it completely out.
lines and swirls represent wind, and that's the only aspect I carried forward to the present sketch. I was into drawing faces at the time, so I was just experimenting with them on the page, and thought it would be a cool idea if they didn't have structured faces and just morphed into the wind, while the wind also morphed into the bird (the movement aspect of the sketch).
If you look closely, there are words by the clock and the compass, which state one side of the ironic views of time and distance (whether they heal or do the opposite).

I love the way this sketch turned out, and I'm simultaneously working on about 4 others, as I switch between them when I get bored/frustrated. The next one that will most likely be completed is a design inspired by windows I saw durin
g my trip to India this summer.
Here are images similar to my own inspiration (i love everything with these types of designs):

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