Friday, September 25, 2009

Fryyyyyday Style Inspiration!

Yes, it's FRIDAY, after yet another week that just ran on by! Yesterday, I started my classes at the university once again. To think that in a few short months, it'll all be over and I'll have a portfolio of research under my belt is so crazy. I am so anxious. This year is going to fly by, exactly like this week. I know it, because it's the same every year. The slowest days are the last ones before due dates (which I am not at all excited for).

I received some pictures today from a photoshoot I did with Bryan N. Miller! I've been excited to see these pictures. I've been waiting patiently. This was a wedding dress search photoshoot. You can see more of his lovely work here. Check out his portfolio and blog! No, I'm not really getting married, but the people in the rest of his portfolio have (and looked beautiful doing it). This was so fun and inspirational for a sketch. Wedding themed? Yes. Coming soon? I hope. I'm working on the baybee themed one as well as some more fall fashion. You're probably thinking, babies... wedding dresses... am I plotting something? No, but a girl can daydream right?! It's all in the near future, no worries, no rush. Happy Friday Everyone!!

P.S. My love hasn't seen these pictures yet. I am so excited to come home and show him. He's cool though, he won't freak out.

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